Our Adventures on and about the earth vortexes in Sedona AZ

Sedona is our favorite place on Earth. I love the energy of the land, the rocks, the plants, the people, and even the very air we breathe. I can actually feel the energy of the entire place vibrating at such a high frequency. We love to hike on the trails near and on the earth energy vortexes and eat at some of our favorite restaurants, ChocolaTree and the Coffee Pot Restaurant. Even the energy of the food is amazing - ChocolaTree is a Live Organic Food Eatery - the best raw chocolate and organic food!

I am not typically much of a shopper - I prefer being outside in nature. However, there are so many amazing crystal shops in Sedona - we kept on being pulled in by the magical energy of the crystals. Our favorite crystal shop is Mystical Bazaar - John did buy me some nice crystals for Christmas there! I must also mention The Peace Place and Crystal Magic. The energy in The Peace Place was so high from all of the amazing crystals, that John and I both were loopy (our term for deep meditative state from being in high vibration - mind goes still - can't really think) from the intensity.

I've been to Sedona three times in the past 3 years. The third time, December 2009, was the first time I was there with John. I felt like a tour guide of sorts - bringing him to my favorite spots. Our first stop - the easiest vortex to get to - Airport Vortex - called so because it is near the airport, overlooking the town. I like to take my shoes off, put my feet and hands on the red rock at the peak of the vortex, and feel the energy of the earth course through my body. Direct energy from the earth at an energy vortex - so far the best way I know to raise your vibration and ground the energies into your body. And, it's really fun!

View of Sedona from the Airport vortex.

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sedona airport vortex

Dawn meditating on the Airport vortex in the early morning

meditating sedona vortex

Boynton Canyon is my favorite vortex. We could both feel the energies of the vortex valley as we hiked along the trail. It's so beautiful. I had one of my profound Kundalini experiences while hiking here in Sept 2008 - goddess energy vortex!

boynton canyon earth vortex sedona

I intuitively feel this is very ancient sacred ground.

boynton canyon vortex sedona

When we weren't taking a break for a raw dessert and a pot of high vibe tea at ChocolaTree, we went to my favorite health food store - New Frontiers Natural Marketplace.

This is such a magical place that one of John's spirit guides, Merlin, was outside waiting for him!

merlin sedona

Bell Rock vortex is an easy flat hike until you approach the vortex on the other side of the Bell. Courthouse Butte is another short hike away - stunning beauty. Felt like softer energies here to me. The earth energies weren't as intense for me here as the other vortexes. However, amazing hike in the beauty of nature and the plant and rock spirits!

bell rock earth vortex sedona

I felt inspired to do a Warrior Pose!

Courthouse Butte Sedona

We felt wonderful - charged with high energy from the earth, the vortex energies, the nature spirits, the sun energy, and the amazing organic raw food in town!

cathedral rock earth vortex sedona

We didn't hike up close to Cathedral Rock on this trip. We had a wonderful view from Red Rock State Park. As we walked on the trails following along the river, we felt the vortex energies and the energies of the place get stronger the closer we were to Cathedral Rock. So beautiful here - lots of old trees and old tree spirits. We spent time putting our hands on the trees and saying hello!

We can't wait to return to Sedona and other places such as this to immerse ourselves in the earth vortexes. We love to be in the beauty and sacred space of nature.

From Sedona to Raise your Vibration

From Sedona to Sacred Sites

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